About us

I am a front-end developer with 6 years of experience. During the first 3 years of my career, I focused on utilizing pure HTML and CSS to construct user interfaces for online news and magazine websites. Throughout this time, I successfully completed numerous projects in this domain. Here are a few examples of the typical projects I have worked on:

Admin avatar

For the past 3 years, I have expanded my expertise by working with frameworks such as Angular and Flutter. During this time, I have been involved in developing web applications as well as mobile applications for Azota. My experience includes working on both web and mobile projects for this company.

Our mission

At WPMasterpiece, our mission is to empower WordPress users by providing high-quality themes and plugins specifically designed for the Gutenberg editor. We strive to simplify the process of building and customizing websites, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. Our mission is to enhance the WordPress experience, enabling individuals and businesses to create beautiful, functional, and responsive websites effortlessly.

Our vision

Our vision at WPMasterpiece is to be the leading provider of Gutenberg-focused themes and plugins in the WordPress ecosystem. We aim to set new standards for design, functionality, and user experience, continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the Gutenberg editor. By staying at the forefront of WordPress innovation, we aspire to inspire creativity, foster growth, and empower our users to unlock the full potential of their websites.